Sterile Air for Half the Cost
How long does milk hold? The longer, the more sterile the dairy process. High sterility and completely particularly germ-free air do not however only require the dairy farming. Breweries, the food and the pharmaceutical industry, chip manufacturer and different one spend much money on a clinically pure atmosphere. Apropos clinically: Even hospital administrations could save some capital outlays, if them a new?verschlankte? Israeli filter technology into the air conditioning system of the hospital areas would install. North of Berlin those celebrates its Germany premiere now. However not in a hospital but in a dairy.
For the production of UHT milk must be sterile and remain the tanks, lines and armatures. With a contamination early acidifying threatens. That is called concretely, it may neither forwards nor during the process loaded air into the equipment come. This danger threatens however among other things with the automatic cleaning of the plant in form of a thermal disinfection. Danger in two different regard: first of all penetrating contaminated air could make sterilization success destroyed, secondly too little flowing sterile air could be with the cooling and pulling the superheated steam together after the cleaning stage debt at a negative pressure in the container and thus debt at its implosion.
Naturally the most diverse enterprises offer solutions to process engineering. Those go however into the money. Standard are special sterile containers with a complete small chemical factory drum around. Standard are central filters, which supply directly several tanks with pure air. Filters and tanks are conceived in this case as a unit, and those
Function warranty is bound to the system use. Again different soft on a complete clean-room technology with sicherheitsschleuse etc. out.
Recently in addition, the required durability can be realized as it were at the half price. For the first time in Germany the Israeli enterprise Fischer planning from Netanya installs a sterile filter station in a dairy in the north of Berlin, which channels both after cleaning of the armatures, lines and containers and after pasteurization of the milk only germ-free
air into the system with Tel Aviv. The trick lies first of all in the permanent positive pressure, which the unit supplies, secondly in the execution as decentralized structure set, thirdly in the particularly out-arranged transitions to the tank. Those permit the flow of up to 500 cubic meters to air per hour, so that no vacuum can develop and so that squeezing of the tanks together is impossible.
A further advantage of the Fischer development: Normal containers can be reequipped by surface mounting of the decentralized group on to sterile tanks. The air cleaners with the process instrumentation are naturally interlaced, which supervises the degree of separation. If a disturbance should arise with the Ausdaempfen of the milk plant, over a bypass non-sterile air would flow automatically into the tank and the so in any case implosion would avoid.
Friedrich Fischer already used its technology into Israel and South-east Europe with success. It figures now also good chances out in Germany.The pharmaceutical industry with its pills and medicines or the food factories for Soja, pudding, yogurt, canned goods would stand before the same delicate task to have to secure the durability of the products over sterile air with production and filling. Similar requirements in terms of the purity of air place also the electronic industry. Or each OI area. For hospitals there are aenliche systems in Israel, by which one normally patient? Room, to isolating stations for sticking on illnesses e.g. SARS to convert can.
Structure of the Sterivent sterivent-Filterstation for sterile air and pure areas
Written by Bernd Genath